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Environmental Policy


Roythornes LLP recognise that all businesses impact on the environment in a variety of different ways.  As such we are committed to conducting our business operations in an environmentally responsive manner and recognise the need to continually improve our operations and subsequently our environmental performance in relation to our services and operations, where practicable.  Our vision is to be a positive force for environmental change within the legal industry, advocating green values and adopting sustainable business practices.

Environmental aspect of our work

We have identified the following key environmental aspects associated with the provision of legal services to the general public:

  • Supplier issues – in-built carbon in the products we buy
  • Waste disposal
  • Energy consumption

High level interventions

In order to tackle these we have implemented the following high level interventions:

  • Supplier issues – asking suppliers to account for their carbon footprint where possible; asking suppliers to source lower impact products
  • Waste disposal - re-use, reduce and recycle waste wherever possible
  • Energy consumption – reviewing energy usage, reviewing travel patterns, staff awareness training, implementing a hybrid working policy.  All of these initiatives tie in with the aim of reducing our overall carbon footprint and become Net Zero by 2040 or earlier.

Established an Environmental and Social Sustainability Team (Green Team).  The firm have been members of the Investors in the Environment (IiE) accreditation scheme since 2013.  Annual audits are held and since our first audit in 2014 we have been awarded Green status each year, which is the highest level possible.  On more than one occasion since 2018 we have also achieved a Great Green Star award. The Great Green Star is awarded to business in the top 10 per cent of Green members who achieve 95 per cent or more points through the accreditation audit.  Additional environmental aspects and the firm's impact on the communities they engage with are also considered.  In 2019 our Operations Director also received one of just three Green Champion Awards.  In 2023 our sustainability success was further strengthened by winning the Sustainability Influencer Award at the IiE annual awards ceremony and in 2024 we achieved a special award by IiE - A Decade of Green - for our continued efforts, and at the same time won the Peterborough Telegraph Sustainable Business Award. 

Immediate objectives

  • Meet and where possible exceed all environmental regulations relevant to our organisation and its activities
  • Identify and use materials/processes that reduce the risk of pollution
  • Promote natural resource conservation by the efficient use of energy and the minimum use of raw materials, purchasing renewable energy wherever possible
  • Reuse, recycle and responsibly dispose of any material in a practical manner with the aim to minimise their environmental effects
  • Systematically assess all aspects of our firm and identify key areas for improvement
  • Set targets for measurable annual environmental improvements
  • Engage with the community – committed to Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Make our progress available for independent assessment

Ongoing interventions

  • Recycling schemes including paper, waste, toners, old office equipment and furniture.  We also run recycling projects for local, national and international projects such as spectacles, batteries, used ink toners, postage stamps, aluminium cans and used books.  Recycling points are available in each office
  • Paperlite projects including printing duplex and black and white if printing is necessary
  • Broaden the use of electronic forms and e-signatures
  • Bulk ordering of supplies to avoid multiple deliveries
  • Reviewing plastic use and implement alternatives where possible ie. glass milk bottles in the Spalding, Nottingham and Alconbury offices, bamboo pens for client use, glasses at the water cooler rather than disposable cups
  • Review of file storage procedures and processes
  • During our 85th birthday year (2019-2020) the staff, along with the firm, pledging at least 85 Acts of Green.  This target was achieved ahead within 9 months
  • Tree planting in local areas
  • Implementing a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy
  • One off projects include reviewing the implementation of an electric vehicle salary sacrifice scheme, the installation of electric vehicle charging points, aiming to achieve a 5% reduction in electricity usage and setting up a sustainability hub on our website.
  • Engage our staff via the Green Team to maintain the enthusiasm for oue sustainability journey.
  • Promote our sustainability journey via the Environment and Social Sustainability Hub on our website and via press activity where appropriate.

It is the responsibility of all employees, visitors and contractors to fully support this policy through active participation and co-operation.  Staff are actively encouraged to put forward ideas for initiatives via the intranet (there is a Green Team area) or directly to a member of the Green Team.

The environmental policy will be displayed at all times and is openly available to all members of the public via our website.

The introduction and implementation of this policy is a commitment of Roythornes LLP management and a shared responsibility with our employees.  The Operations Director has designated responsibility for day to day implementation of this policy.