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Update: Wild Birds and Licences

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This article focuses on activities you need to take to stay within the law if you are controlling wild birds to prevent serious damage to livestock, feedstuffs, crops, fruit etc., previously covered by General Licence 04. The legal position The basic...

Do Farmers Still Do Joint Ventures?

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The short answer to our client’s question is yes. Farm businesses are engaging in a whole raft of collaborative ventures as they focus on increasing their competitiveness and preparing for the future. Why are farmers opting for joint ventures? ...

Ten Top Tips for Charities Operating With a Non-Charity Subsidiary

Julia Seary
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Ensure that the purpose of the non-charity subsidiary is to help the charity to make a positive difference for its beneficiaries. The linkage must be for one of the following purposes: trading to raise money for the charity , carrying out activities which...

Brain Injury and Sport

Robert Dempsey
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In the space of just a few days, the charity Headway,  which offers support to victims of Traumatic Brain injuries, has had reason to be critical of FIFA, football’s governing body, following serious head injuries on the pitch. On 17 March,...

Defending a Legal Claim Against You

Cristina Parla
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We talk a lot about how we can help if you have suffered injuries and financial losses as a result of an accident that wasn’t your fault . But we receive a significant amount of enquiries from people who have received court documents through the...

Trustee Disqualification

Julia Seary
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The Charity Commission has used its legal powers to suspend and remove two individuals, who were trustees of The Suyuti Institute charity, for misconduct and mismanagement. This means they are disqualified from being trustees or from holding...

The Charity Commission Focuses on Charities Not Reaching Their Potential

Julia Seary
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The Chair of the CC, Baroness Stowell, yesterday spoke of the need for charities to continue to strive to live up to public expectations so that the sector can be a much-needed source of hope, identity and pride.  The Charity Commission is focused on...

Workers' Rights to Itemised Payslips

Desley Sherwin
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With effect from 6 April 2019, all workers (not just employees) will have the right to receive an itemised pay statement. This will include, for example, workers on zero-hours contracts. Employers are currently required to keep a sufficient record of...

Understanding the Role of an Executor

Chris Wilkes
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End of life planning is something that we all have to do. As an individual, a will is arguably one of the most important documents we have to create, so it's worth taking the time to get it right and understand the different elements.   It is...

Charging Orders - An Effective Debt Recovery Tool

Martin Spencer
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So, you have an unpaid invoice, issued legal proceedings and obtained a county court judgment against your debtor. What happens next? It’s likely that if you have reached this stage, your debtor has not been particularly cooperative and you need to...

Adverse Weather and Travel Disruption Policies

Laura Hill
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Bad weather and issues with travel arrangements can cause significant amounts of disruption to a business and employers are often put in a position where they have to decide at the last minute what to do to adapt working arrangements to ensure that...

Automated Vehicles - Who Is Liable for an Accident?

Cristina Parla
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What would happen if you were involved in a car accident and it wasn’t you driving, but the vehicle itself? In November 2017 the Chancellor promised to have fully driverless cars in use by 2021. All drivers have a duty to other road users under...

Family Investment Companies

Lizzie Walters
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It is often a frightening concept to give away hard-earned assets and lose control over them and this, together with concern over future cash flow, can be a barrier to putting assets into a trust or simply making gifts. One of the key benefits of a family...

What to Expect If Your Claim Is Defended

Catherine Rickett
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So, you have an unpaid invoice, you’ve issued legal proceedings, and your debtor has defended the claim. What happens next? You’re now in the hands of the courts, which can be a worrying time if you’re not familiar with the procedure....

Brexit: What Does It Mean for Debt Recovery in the UK and Beyond?

Catherine Rickett
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The good people of the United Kingdom could be compared with squirrels this autumn: stockpiling goods and cash ahead of the unknowns of another British winter and the imminent exit of the UK from the European Union. The deadline is 11pm on 29 March...

The Importance of Guardianship

Chris Wilkes
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Considering the worst-case scenario is not always easy to do. However, when you have children it is important to think about who would care for them if the worst should happen to you. It cannot always be assumed that if the worst-case scenario occurred your...

Is Airbnb "Fairbnb"?

Robert Dempsey
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To mark the 10 th  anniversary of Airbnb, Rob Dempsey of Roythornes Solicitors considers the legal issues surrounding this recent holiday phenomenon in the context of personal injury law . Airbnb has become an increasingly popular preference for...

Grain Contracts and Force Majeure

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In difficult years we are asked about the options available to farmers who cannot fulfil the deliveries they have agreed to in forwarding grain contracts. Below we take a look at the provisions of the Agricultural Industries Confederation Ltd (AIC) 1/16...

Pre-Nuptial Agreements and Post-Nuptial Agreements in Context

John Boon
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A nuptial agreement is an agreement in writing entered into by two parties prior to, or after, their marriage or entry into a civil partnership, which records how they wish their finances to be treated and distributed in the event that they should separate...

Review of GLAA Licensing Regime

Phil Cookson
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The Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) has recently launched a consultation on its Licensing Standards. Whilst the GLAA still covers the same regulated sectors (agriculture, horticulture, shellfish gathering and associated packaging and...

Getting Robotics Right: Implementation in Food

Martin Jinks
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The robotics industry is one of rapid growth and innovation within the food sector.  The benefits for productivity, health and safety and profit increase are definitely appealing, but it’s crucial that food businesses do not ‘run before they...

Companies House Gets Tough with PSC Non-Compliance

Julia Seary
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In its recently published 2018-2019 Business Plan, Companies House has set out its robust approach to companies not complying with their Persons with Significant Control (PSC) requirements. Since June 2016 UK companies have been required to hold an...

Five Ways Cyclists Can Protect Themselves

Robert Dempsey
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According to the Government, 3,806 cyclists were killed or seriously injured on Britain's roads in 2018. As concerns grow over cyclist safety on British roads, personal injury lawyer Robert Dempsey has shared his top five tips on the best ways for...

The Role of APR and BPR in Estate Planning

Ben Taylor
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As the dust settles following the Autumn Budget, in amongst the various documents released around the same time, HMRC published research on the use of Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR), and taxpayers’ attitudes...

Letting to a Farm Worker - What Do I Need to Know?

Sarah Whitehurst
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We are still seeing examples of employers failing to serve the correct documentation before handing over the keys of a cottage to new farm workers. They think they are granting an assured shorthold tenancy (AST) and that they will be able to recover...

Nottingham Court Case Likely to Set a New Precedent

Cristina Parla
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The outcome of a case where a minor was injured falling into a collapsed manhole cover in Nottingham is likely to set a precedent for future cases regarding disputes on the maintenance of private land. Acting on behalf of the child, who cannot be named...

The Risks of Being a Sole Shareholder/Director

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The risks of being a sole shareholder/director: Court provides a timely reminder of the need to review your company’s Articles of Association Are you a sole shareholder/director of your company? Do you have children, other family members or trusted...

Tough Luck for Tough Mudders?

Robert Dempsey
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Recently, mud runs, such as the fashionable Tough Mudder  event, are becoming increasingly popular around the UK with thousands of people signing up each year, meaning it’s even more imperative to ensure that both organisers and participants...

An Alternative to Trusts?

Robert Webb
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When it comes to tax planning there can often be a temptation to keep up with the Jones’ and enter into the latest new tax planning schemes. In some cases, this may be a sensible move, but in others, there is a distinct possibility that you may...

Stamp Duty Land Tax and Partnerships

Ben Taylor
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The SDLT legislation applicable to partnerships (which includes partnerships under the Partnership Act 1890 and Limited Liability Partnerships under the 2000 Act) is, in my opinion, the most complex area of the entire SDLT regime. The effect of these...

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