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A Parents' Guide to Assisting a Child in a House Purchase

Elizabeth Young
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With the average house price having increased over 40% over the last 10 years*, it is increasingly common for loved ones to assist when buying property . It is important that the terms of this assistance are agreed in principle, advice taken and terms...

What to Do If Someone Dies Abroad

Elizabeth Young
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When a loved one dies abroad it can be difficult to know where to start, particularly if you are new to the estate administration process and are having to deal with an unfamiliar system in stressful circumstances. Who should you inform when someone dies...

Understanding the Role of an Executor

Chris Wilkes
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End of life planning is something that we all have to do. As an individual, a will is arguably one of the most important documents we have to create, so it's worth taking the time to get it right and understand the different elements.   It is...

The Importance of Guardianship

Chris Wilkes
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Considering the worst-case scenario is not always easy to do. However, when you have children it is important to think about who would care for them if the worst should happen to you. It cannot always be assumed that if the worst-case scenario occurred your...

The Role of APR and BPR in Estate Planning

Ben Taylor
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As the dust settles following the Autumn Budget, in amongst the various documents released around the same time, HMRC published research on the use of Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR), and taxpayers’ attitudes...

An Alternative to Trusts?

Robert Webb
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When it comes to tax planning there can often be a temptation to keep up with the Jones’ and enter into the latest new tax planning schemes. In some cases, this may be a sensible move, but in others, there is a distinct possibility that you may...

Stamp Duty Land Tax and Partnerships

Ben Taylor
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The SDLT legislation applicable to partnerships (which includes partnerships under the Partnership Act 1890 and Limited Liability Partnerships under the 2000 Act) is, in my opinion, the most complex area of the entire SDLT regime. The effect of these...

The Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings and Mixed Partnerships

Ben Taylor
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Many of our clients have residential property held within a business structure for one reason or another. Mixed partnerships (i.e. partnerships of individuals and companies) are popular, particularly within the farming industry. Although ATED was brought in...

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