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Debt Recovery
Our estate agent clients are often faced with the situation where an agreed fee for the management or sale of a property does not materialise.
It’s a sad fact of business that not all estate agencies have the manpower or the expertise to chase debts in a cost efficient and effective manner. This is where we can help.
We work hard to recover the monies due without damaging the all-important client relationships and professional reputation of your agency.
We can help to recover the fees payable in situations where a client has agreed to pay you for the sale of a property but the payment is not forthcoming. Often we find that it is simply the client trying to delay payments, and often a letter from a solicitor prompts swift payment, but if they are determined not to pay the invoice for whatever reason, our efficient debt recovery process kicks in and will pursue them for full payment of your invoices.
If your client, or ex-client subsequently sells to a buyer introduced by you within a specified timescale, you may be entitled to your fee (depending on the wording of your terms and conditions). We can pursue the client and enforce your agreement to obtain a successful outcome.
The collection of rental payments requires specialist attention because of the legal protection given to those who may be unable to pay. However, with the right approach, a robust attitude and the backing of a solicitor we can often work with agents and their clients to come to an acceptable solution. If you have any particular issues please talk to us as soon as possible as often acting quickly generates more positive results.
For further information about our debt recovery services, get in touch with our team in Alconbury, Birmingham, Nottingham, Peterborough or Spalding.
Call 01775 764156 for a confidential discussion about how we can help.
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