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Complaints Procedure


If you are dissatisfied with the service we have provided then you have the right to complain. The Legal Ombudsman service has been operational since 6 October 2010 and is ultimately responsible for ensuring that complaints are handled appropriately.

However, before you contact the Legal Ombudsman you must first register an official complaint with us. Normally, the Legal Ombudsman expects you to give us 8 weeks to try to resolve the matter. If after 8 weeks you are still dissatisfied you can involve the Legal Ombudsman. For more information on how the Legal Ombudsman works please  visit the Legal Ombudsman website.

If you are not satisfied with our handling of your complaint you can ask the Legal Ombudsman at PO Box 6167, Slough SL1 0EH, telephone - 0300 555 0333 or e-mail - to consider the complaint. 


The time limits for referring a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman will be not later than:-

  • one year from the date of the act or omission being complained about; or
  • one year from the date when the complainant should have realised that there was cause for complaint; or
  • six months from this firm's final response to your complaint.

If your complaint does not meet these time limits the Legal Ombudsman may not be able to investigate it.  However, the Legal Ombudsman can exercise its discretion to extend the one year time limit if, on the evidence, it is fair and reasonable to do so.  The Legal Ombudsman also has discretion to dismiss or discontinue a complaint. 

The circumstances in which discretion can be exercised and how you can request that it be exercised is published on the Legal Ombudsman's website -

Getting Started

To register a formal complaint, please write to us and include all the information suggested by the Legal Ombudsman - their website includes some useful resources.

In addition to the Legal Ombudsman, several other complaints bodies exist which are also able to deal with complaints about legal services - these are:

You may also choose to make a report to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). This could be if you are concerned about our professional behaviour or conduct, such as for things like dishonesty, deliberately overcharging you, or treating you unfairly because of a characteristic such as your age, sex or disability.

You can find out how to make a report at or contact the SRA at their details below:

Solicitors Regulation Authority,
The Cube,
199 Wharfside Street,
B1 1RN
Tel: 0370 606 2555