What should I consider when entering into Long-Term Supply Agreements with retailers?
In this blog our Commercial team highlight some of the key provisions to consider when negotiating...
Roythornes Limited is committed to the prevention of exploitation and abuse associated with modern slavery and human trafficking
Our Lexcel Office Manual (Law Society accredited practice management standard) reflects our commitment to implementing and enforcing effective practices and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our firm or supply chain. We take a zero-tolerance approach to modern day slavery and are committed to doing the right thing across all aspects of our operations, including our supply chain.
Underpinning our position in terms of anti-slavery and human trafficking are a range of policies that outline our commitment to the identification and prevention of modern slavery in our firm and supply chain.
We list below some of the relevant policies:
Victoria Stevenson
Partner and Complince Officer for Legal Practice (COLP)
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