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Personal Injury

Accidents at Work Solicitors

If you have been injured in an accident at work which wasn’t your fault, you may be able to make a claim for compensation.

It is an unfortunate fact that many accidents happen at work every day. Some of these accidents can have serious consequences for employees, who might find themselves off work for a lengthy period of time, or unable to work to the same capacity as they did before the accident.

Although an employee is entitled to Statutory Sick Pay of £96.35 a week if they are off work after an accident, they may not be entitled to full Company Sick Pay and could struggle financially as a result. 

Your employer has a duty to provide you with a safe place of work, and also provide you with the necessary training and equipment to enable you to do your job safely and properly. They must also ensure that their work colleagues are competent, as they can be held at fault for the wrongful acts of their employees. This means that if you have been injured at work by the negligence of a fellow employee, you can pursue a claim against your employer rather than your colleague. 

What should you do after an accident at work?

  • Report the accident to your employer as soon as possible, and make sure it is recorded in the accident book.  If you cannot do this, or your employer doesn’t have an accident book, write down the details of the accident and send a copy to your employer.  This will help you clearly remember the incident and ensure that your employer has a record of it.  If there were any witnesses, write down their names, and try and get some photographic evidence of the accident site straight after the accident. 
  • See your doctor or go to the hospital if the injury is serious enough.  This will enable you to start getting the treatment you need straight away.  It is also important to have a medical record of your injuries. 
  • Keep a record and receipts for all your losses and expenses.  This may include lost earnings as a result of the accident, or loss of bonus payments or overtime, travel expenses and parking costs at hospital, and prescriptions and painkillers.  You should also keep a note of the time that family members or friends have spent helping to look after you. 
  • Speak to a specialist solicitor about making a claim for compensation. We have extensive experience in dealing with claims for accidents at work, and will guide you through your claim with a friendly, professional and helpful service.  We will liaise with your employer, help you get the treatment you need, and make the claims process as stress-free as possible.

If I make a claim against my employer, can I be dismissed?

This is a common fear among people we speak to who have had accidents at work and are considering making a claim for compensation.  The short answer to this question is ‘no’.  If your employer dismisses you because you are planning to, or have made a personal injury claim, you may have grounds to make a claim for unfair dismissal.

The other fear some clients have is that they will be harassed or victimised by their employers because they have made a claim.  If this happens you should tell your solicitor immediately and they will take appropriate action to protect you. 

Get in touch with our personal injury solicitors

For further information about our personal injury services, get in touch with our team in AlconburyBirminghamNottinghamPeterboroughSpalding or Langham