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Personal Injury

Claims Against the NHS and Healthcare Providers


We all recognise the vital role played by the NHS in safeguarding the nation’s health. As part of its ongoing commitment to patients, the NHS now publishes data highlighting where mistakes have been made in the hope they can be avoided in the future.

The figures for “Never Events” (serious, preventable errors) have recently been published for the last four years, and make for depressing reading showing that over 1100 patients have been affected and injured by errors which should have been avoided.

These errors include the following:

  • foreign objects, such as swabs or scalpels being left in patients after surgery;
  • removal of the wrong organ;
  • “wrong site surgery” where the wrong leg, eye or hip, etc has been operated on;
  • incorrect dosage of medication;
  • missed diagnoses for a range of conditions.

Healthcare providers and clinical negligence lawyers alike recognise these figures are completely unacceptable, all professionals are expected to meet certain levels of care, and Healthcare providers are no exception.

If you or a family member has suffered loss or injury as a result of poor Healthcare then you should consider contacting our Clinical Negligence team regarding a possible claim against the NHS.

Any claim for injury is a daunting one, not least against a huge organisation such as the NHS, and so it is important you have the right specialist support and advice to help redress the balance in your favour. We already represent many clients who have suffered loss as a result of inadequate care.  Not all these errors are as obvious as the mistakes listed in the latest NHS data, but all have had an impact on their lives.

We would work with you and independent medical experts to show what errors have been made. But securing an admission of fault from the NHS is only the beginning. Often the NHS admits fault but denies this has caused any injury. This is again where we can assist in obtaining evidence to assess the level of injury and quantify compensation.

Get in touch with our personal injury solicitors

For further information about our personal injury services, get in touch with our team in AlconburyBirminghamNottinghamPeterboroughSpalding or Langham