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Farming Partnerships Solicitors

Who owns what?

  • Be clear about what assets belong to the business: land/kit/entitlements/intellectual property and each partner’s contribution to and interest in the capital of the partnership
  • Often found in the accounts, but with new partnerships, initial contributions (and the way capital profits on particular assets are to be treated) should be listed in particulars/schedules of the partnership agreement
  • Keep any declarations of trust involving partnership property with partnership papers
  • If land being transferred is a partnership asset, ensure that is noted on the transfer

How can the partnership be brought to an end?

  • Default position: dissolution on the death of a partner, assets realised under Partnership Act 1890 and a partner giving notice can determine the partnership
  • Decide grounds on which partnership can be brought to an end, and whether it can continue on death, bankruptcy, incapacity or retirement of a partner (and agree on the mechanism)

What happens when the partnership ends or someone leaves?

  • Be precise about how an outgoing/deceased partner’s shares (and particular assets) are to be valued on partial or general dissolution (see the case of Harvey v Drake [2011] EWCAm Civ. 838)
  • Spell out the mechanism by which continuing partner(s) can buy out the share of a deceased/ outgoing partner; specify notices to be served, timescales, payment periods, and interest payable

What is required of the partners?

  • Be clear about duties/time-commitment   - avoid “…as is from time to time requisite”?
  • Cover attendance at meetings/involvement in other businesses/whether a partner can charge any part of his interest in the partnership etc

How is the partnership to be run?

  • Agree on decision-making/voting rights – they can be different for different matters. The default position under the Partnership Act 1890: ordinary matters are decided by a simple majority
  • Deal with whether, how, and under what conditions, new partners (e.g. children/spouses) can be introduced

How are ‘issues’ to be dealt with?

  • Deal with whether there should be a right to expel, on what grounds and by what mechanism/ what happens when there is mental incapacity or long-term sickness/how disputes of all or particular kinds should be resolved
  • Very important: deal with how partners can leave/on serving what notice, and how their partnership shares can be bought out/over what period/with what (if any) interest is payable on capital etc

Get in touch with our agriculture solicitors

For further information about our agriculture services, get in touch with our team in AlconburyBirminghamNottinghamPeterboroughSpalding or Langham