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The Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings and Mixed Partnerships

Ben Taylor
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Many of our clients have residential property held within a business structure for one reason or another. Mixed partnerships (i.e. partnerships of individuals and companies) are popular, particularly within the farming industry. Although ATED was brought in...

Child Contact and the Rights of Grandparents

Nick Ingrey
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Most grandparents have a close and loving relationship with their grandchild(ren). However, the sad reality is that their relationships are discounted following a relationship breakdown. Some grandparents are left with little or no alternative but to apply...

PGI, PDO and TSG - How to Protect Your Food Products

Lizzie Walters
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What protection is available? Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) - This is for products that are closely linked to a certain geographical area. If protected, at least one of the stages of production, processing or preparation will have to take place in...

Where Can I Divorce? Divorcing in the UK and Europe

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Many people are under the impression that they can only divorce in the country in which they marry. This is in fact a myth. Here, we look at the ability to divorce in an EU member state pursuant to “Brussels II Revised”. Brussels II Revised...

Supply Contracts - A Beginner's Guide

Mike Matthews
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So you have finally secured the deal with the large retailer to stock your food products. It will be plain sailing from now – massive orders, secure cash flow and national exposure for your brand. Right? Not necessarily, and in fact, for most...

A Not So 'Oregenol' Herb

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The UK food industry is facing yet another supply chain scandal, and while not on the same scale as ‘horse gate’, Bart’s Ingredients and Genius product withdrawals and now the ‘oregano’ food fraud (see The Grocer article here...

Protecting Your Brand

Lizzie Walters
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What is a brand? A strong brand helps distinguish a business’ products from its competitors’. It adds value to the business by enhancing consumer awareness and improving customer loyalty. A brand can be made up of many elements, including: A...

Definition of Permanent Pasture

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The Single Payment Scheme definition of permanent pasture has come under challenge in the EU Court of Justice. The SPS defines permanent pasture as “land used to grow grasses or other herbaceous forage naturally (self-seeded) or through cultivation...

Manorial Rights - Should You Be Worried About Them?

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Manorial rights are one of the more arcane aspects of land law, but that doesn’t mean they can be ignored, particularly with a Land Registry deadline for their registration looming. What are they?  Before 1926, in addition to freehold land and...

Intellectual Property for Food Products

Lizzie Walters
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Can you copyright a recipe? If your business has spent time and money developing a recipe or new product, you should be thinking about protecting it from competitors. But can you copyright a recipe and is this the best way to protect your work? In the food...

All Change at the Agricultural Land Tribunal

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Last month we saw the abolition of the Agricultural Wages Board in England. This month we have seen the demise of the seven agricultural land tribunals in England, specialist bodies known to few outside the farming community. Agricultural land tribunals have...

Abolition of the Agricultural Wages Board - Advice for Employers

Phil Cookson
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With those ten words section 72 of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 brings to an end almost a hundred years of agricultural wages board history. The first boards were set up in 1917 in tandem with the introduction of subsidies for cereals...

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