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Our Top 5 Reasons to Update Your Will

Alexandra  Hamilton
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If you already have a Will in place, this is something to be congratulated, especially with recent statistics suggesting that somewhere between 50% to 60% of adults in the UK do not have a Will at all. That being said, for those who have an existing Will,...

Privilege in Litigation - When Is It Waived, and When Are You Obliged to Hand Over Your Legal Advice to the Other Party/Parties?

Alex Forster
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Sometimes in disputes clients who have the benefit of positive legal advice may attempt to use that advice to inform the other side of how strong their case is. On occasion this involves forwarding on the advice to the other side, and sometimes it involves...

What Is the Right Level of Debt to Pursue at Court?

Catherine Rickett
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One of the questions we get asked most often when we are out and about is “Is it worth me pursuing this debt with all the costs involved?” It’s not an easy question to answer. To some people, £500 is a lot of money, but to others,...

Why You Are Worried About Making a Will... And Why You Shouldn't Be

Alexandra  Hamilton
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In the most recent study conducted in September 2020, 59% of UK adults have not written a Will, which amounts to around 31 million UK adults. Whilst everyone is different and has their own reasons for not doing so, there are some common reasons why...

Top 5 Tips for Management Companies

Ollie Peckham
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It is becoming more and more popular in today’s property market that management companies are being created to be handed over to the residents of a development once finalised. As the residents will invariably have little experience in the inner...

Care Fees - A Beginner's Guide

Sophie Crook
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Care fees are often an issue not considered until care is required. They are an issue that benefit from being given some thought before this stage and also that remain difficult to navigate for those paying them and for families who are just trying to help...

Changes to the Procedure for Entering and Renewing a Caveat

Leah Merrifield
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HM Courts & Tribunals Service have recently announced changes in how to apply for, and extend, a caveat.  A caveat is a written notice that prevents a Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration being issued until the caveat is removed....

Summary of the Section 25 Principles

Layla Babadi
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Most, if not all, financial remedy judgments contain a review of the guidelines in section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, together with an analysis of relevant case law. Few judgments, however, provide a detailed checklist with a clear overview of...

Surge in Divorce Applications Following No Fault Law

Layla Babadi
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Divorce applications have reached their highest level in a decade following  the introduction of “no-fault” law . On April 6, new legislation  came into effect in England and Wales  enabling couples to go through divorce...

Overseas Pensions and Divorce

Layla Babadi
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Pensions can, for many separating couples, make up a significant proportion of family assets and should be fully considered when financial matters are dealt with during a divorce. Where a couple with UK pensions divorce in England, the court can make various...

No-Fault Divorce: The Blame Game Continues

Caroline  Elliott
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Six months on from landmark no-fault divorce reforms, legal experts and sociologists alike are keeping a close eye on the take-up and the reaction to the new separation option.  Caroline Elliott , partner and family law specialist, provides insight on...

Mixed Messages on Solar Schemes

Edd Johnson
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One of the many challenges our new Prime Minister faces is that of energy security. The war in Ukraine and the subsequent soaring gas prices have focused the UK’s mind on just where our energy comes from, and what we pay for it. Part of the...

Deputyship Orders - Pilot Scheme Reduces Waiting Time for Orders by 75%

Kerry-Jo Gallimore
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In the summer of 2021, the Court of Protection introduced an online case management pilot scheme, designed to speed up the process of obtaining a Deputyship Order. A Deputyship Order is required when someone loses the capacity to make some or all decisions...

Taxation and the Monarchy

Oscar Scotney
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The UK has the joint 4 th highest rate of Inheritance Tax (IHT) in the world at 40%. Japan tops the table at 55% whilst New Zealand, Portugal, and Sweden (among others) have a 0% Inheritance Tax rate. HMRC received £6.1 billion from IHT alone in the...

What Happens to the Family Home Upon Separation?

Layla Babadi
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When a relationship ends, one of the most common concerns is whether one person can force the other to leave a shared family home. The outcome depends on your personal circumstances and there are safeguards in place to prevent a partner forcing the other out...

Common Pitfalls of Challenging Enforcement Decisions and Notices Without Legal Advice

Rebecca Ironmonger
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As the cost of living and running your business continue to rise, it can be tempting to try to challenge any enforcement action by local authorities, the Food Standards Agency, the Environment Agency and other regulators by yourself without the benefit of...

How Does the Court Determine Financial Provision on Divorce?

Layla Babadi
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There is no standard formula for calculating appropriate financial provision on divorce. The court has a duty to consider all the circumstances of the case and to consider a range of specific statutory factors set out in section  25  of...

An Overview of Islamic Marriage and Divorce

Layla Babadi
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Many Muslim couples in the UK have both an Islamic marriage and an English civil marriage, though some couples enter an Islamic marriage without entering a civil marriage. Where a couple have entered a civil marriage, an English court can...

Financial Provision in England Following an Overseas Divorce

Layla Babadi
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If you have obtained a divorce overseas there are some circumstances in which you can bring a claim for financial relief in the courts of England and Wales. Part III of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 governs the bringing of financial claims...

Is My Foreign Divorce Valid in England?

Layla Babadi
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If you have obtained a divorce overseas there are some circumstances in which you can bring a claim for financial relief in the courts of England and Wales. Part III of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 governs the bringing of financial claims...

Covid, Extreme Weather and Other Unexpected Events - When Can You Use Force Majeure?

Phil Cookson
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With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to cause widespread disruption and uncertainty, many businesses may, understandably, be considering whether invoking force majeure is both possible and in their best interests. An effective commercial contract should...

Claiming for Accidents at Outdoor Events

Cristina Parla
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We recently acted for a client in connection with a claim against an entertainment company as a result of an accident at an outdoor screening event. Whilst personal injury claims of this nature appear to be less common than other types of personal injury...

How to Start a Redundancy Process

Desley Sherwin
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Redundancy can be necessary for a wide variety of reasons, but many employers find it difficult or simply don’t know how to start. From the redundancy selection process to communication and execution, there are many things you need to know in order to...

Recognition of Deputyship Orders Abroad

Leah Merrifield
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We recently attended a Court of Protection masterclass, and one of the topics discussed was the procedure for the recognition of a Deputyship Order in Italy. A Deputyship Order is a type of court order that is made by the Court of Protection. It...

Withdrawal of Public Body's decision did not end jurisdiction in the FTT

Hannah Leese
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The Upper Tribunal has ruled that where an appeal is made, pursuant to Regulation 22 of The Welfare at the Time of Killing regulations 2015, to the First Tier Tribunal and then that decision is subsequently withdrawn or not relied upon by the Respondent...

New Fire Safety Rules - Doors, Balconies and Cladding

Derryn Rolfe
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There was an important law change yesterday regarding fire safety, most importantly the regulation of doors, balconies, and cladding. In our recent update, we discuss the obligations on landlords and how to deal with enforcement action that may be taken...

The Impact on Sole Directors in the Recent Hashmi V Lorimer-Wing [2022] High Court Case

Lizzie Walters
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A recent court case has found that the Model Articles of Association adopted, in whole or in part, by a lot of private companies do not allow those companies to have a sole director. Any company which was incorporated since October 2009, or which has changed...

Top 10 Tips to Consider Before a Business Sale

Beth Wallace
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Selling a business is quite an undertaking and can often flag up issues or concerns that require additional time and costs to resolve. Our Corporate and Commercial team have therefore compiled a list of issues to consider in advance of a sale to...

Administration of Estates - Our Practical Solutions to Impossible Questions

Esther Woodhouse
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Administering the estate of a deceased loved one can be traumatic and even more so when faced with financial organisations that create obstacles to moving the administration forward. In this blog, Esther Woodhouse reaches out to those having had similar...

Children in Wills - Are All Your Children Benefitting Correctly?

Sophie Crook
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The question of who your children are may seem a simple one. However, in the modern world where family dynamics are becoming increasingly complex, it is important to guarantee that the legal definition of “children” aligns with your personal...

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